Funded by
Press release
"Disabled Women's Society" Public Union is successfully continuing implementation of the project "Improving access of women and girls with disabilities to public services in Baku, Ganja and Guba-Khachmaz region" with the financial support of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.

On the basis of interviews taken from employees of 5 state institutions providing services to women and girls with disabilities about work done, results achieved and ways to solve the problems, "Video guide for persons with disabilities" was prepared for the first time in Azerbaijan.

At the event on July 30, 2024 in Baku dedicated to presentation of the video guide to media representatives, they were also trained on ethical communication and behavior. The training was conducted by the director of the Ethics Academy, Gunel Ibrahim, a professional trainer.

The purpose of the training is to change the attitude towards women and girls with disabilities in public places and to prevent cases of violence against them with the participation of state, civil society and private organizations, and to improve the accessibility and quality of public services for them.
The training was organized in the office of AzEstetik Group LLC. Certificates were presented to the participants of the event.
30 journalists participated in the training.

The goal of the project is to improve accessibility and quality of public services for women and girls with disabilities from low-income families, including internally displaced families.
The project covers the cities of Baku, Ganja and the regions of Guba, Gusar, Khachmaz and will be implemented during the period of September 2022 - August 2025 (36 months in total).
The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) is the only global grantmaking mechanism dedicated exclusively to addressing all forms of violence against women and girls.

Press service of "Disabled Women's Society" Public Union.