"Disabled Women's Society" Public Union has implemented a social television program
A social television program was realized on Dünya TV within the framework of the project "Improving access of women and girls with disabilities to public services in Baku, Ganja cities, Gusar, Guba, Khachmaz districts" carried out by "Disabled Women's Society" Public Union with the support of UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women. The event was attended by members of the "Disabled Women's Society" Public Union, project employees, and employees of state institutions.

In the program hosted by TV journalist Elnara Darziyeva, the Society chairman Mahluga Rahimova spoke and gave detailed information about the project and its implementation. Later, the director of Sumgayit Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, Parvana Hajiyeva spoke about the services provided to women with disabilities in the rehabilitation centers. She talked about the projects implemented in order to make the mentioned services more accessible, sustainable and effective.
During the 1-hour live broadcast program, the hotline of the TV received calls from women and girls with disabilities and their relatives. They addressed questions to the guests on various topics related to their access to public services. Calls related to domestic violence were answered by Kamala Alakbarova, an employee of the Baku City Police Department, and questions related to self-employment were answered by Zaur Allahverdiyev, head of the Department of Work with Unemployed Persons of Absheron-Khizi Regional Employment Branch of the State Employment Agency.

Goychek Mursalova, senior advisor of the Disability Issues Section of TABIB's Department of Work with Vulnerable Population Groups, gave detailed information with regards to the desire of a diabetic patient with a vision disability who called the hotline during the TV program to benefit from the compulsory health insurance. She spoke about providing services to all persons with disabilities in the same manner and about the projects implemented in this direction.
Irada Rizazadeh, trainer of the workshops conducted within the project, chairman of the Public Union for the Social Welfare of Citizens, and Gunel Ibrahim, an ethics trainer within the project and head of the Academy of Ethics, spoke. They drew attention to the importance of the essence of the workshops and trainings they carried out in the cities of Baku, Ganja, Guba, Gusar and Khachmaz. They stated that as a result of women and girls with disabilities, as well as employees of state institutions, taking advantage of these trainings and applying the knowledge they received, extensive educational work was carried out in the mentioned field.

In the television program, the facilitator of the round table meetings within the project Firuza Babayeva, and the chairman of the Guba-Gusar-Khachmaz regional branch of the "Disabled Women's Society", the regional coordinator of the project, Nahayat  Shirinova talked about the work to be done in the coming months within the framework of the project.
In the end, Mahluga Rahimova, the Chairwoman of the "Disabled Women's Society", once again emphasized the importance of the project. She expressed her gratitude to Dunya TV staff for creating conditions for the broadcasting of this social television program and the employees of state institutions who accepted the invitation to take part in the program.
NOTE: “Improving access of women and girls with disabilities to public services in Baku, Ganja cities, Gusar, Guba, Khachmaz districts" project will be implemented by "Disabled Women's Society" Public Union with the financial support of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women during September 2022 - August 2025 (36 months in total).